by Lida Prypchan Very few people free themselves from anxiety, though at least Siegfried, the hero of The Ring of the Nibelungen, was born completely free from anxiety. But it was a rare privilege. Worries are the historical baggage of humankind. As typical examples we have the company director who observes that another takes over his …
Category: Uncategorized
Castration Complex Origin of the Neurosis?
by Lida Prypchan Both the Oedipus and castration complexes are very likely to be found in human societies and must be considered as a normal stage in the development of children. Castration is understood as the removal of the testicles. In psychoanalysis, castration means the removal or loss of the penis. It is worth remembering at …
The Brain: A Computer with Secrets
by Lida Prypchan A genius and a fool can have a brain that is identical in appearance: neither its size nor its structure under the microscope are useful in deciphering intellectual capacity. The heart speaks through palpitations, but the brain is quiet; it does not reveal its secrets, although it generates electrical impulses that allow us …
The Oedipus Complex and Neurosis “Know Thyself”
By Lida Prypchan In 1897, Freud began what may be called the most heroic act of his life: the psychoanalysis of his own unconscious. The ancient oracle of Delphi, who said “Know thyself,” has since ancient times led philosophers and thinkers to try to pursue this goal, but their inner resistance did not allow any to …
by Lida Prypchan Intuition is a really valuable factor. Albert Einstein. The word intuition has slightly different usages. It is defined as a sudden understanding or clarification of a situation, a bright idea that oftentimes blossoms in one’s conscious and which may occur to us when we are not consciously thinking about a given subject; …
by Lida Prypchan Only by understanding the numerous and complex causes of alcoholism, can the gravity of the problem be appreciated so that therapy may be practiced on an individual level and the disease combated on the social scale. There are four main causes: DESIRE, TOLERANCE, PERSONALITY, BIOLOGICAL TYPE and HEREDITY: DESIRE: Firstly we must …
In July 1982, Drs. Román Prypchan and Pedro Téllez Carrasco presented for their professional advancement a detailed study on 150 psychiatric skills entitled: “Problems in the Practice of Psychiatry in Venezuela. Analysis of some Sample Cases”. In this work the authors found that alcoholic psychoses constituted 9% of the total sample. There were 9 cases …
There are a few rare cases of people who enjoy long life and excellent health in spite of their alcoholic excesses, while others who drink less decline after just a few months of excess. Alcoholism depends on the quantities imbibed by a person on a daily basis, subject to certain conditions which are inherent in …
by Lida Pripchan The attraction, union or closeness between individuals is ruled by circumstance but also by identification and antagonism. Affinity, either for a similar concept of life, for a shared ideology, for interests in common. Antagonism, such as that observed between the man and woman who achieve perfect unity by complementing one another. But …
by Lida Prypchan Delirium tremens was identified as a clinical syndrome by Sutton (an English doctor) in 1813, but he was unaware of its alcoholic nature. It was Rayer, in 1819, who gave a new and excellent description of this delirium and insisted upon its alcoholic etiology. Delirium tremens is the most serious of the …
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